Let Payment Processors Fight For Having You as a Customer
Comparison-shopping saves business owners money. Companies like FeeFighters.com and CardFellow.com help business owners compare merchant accounts. With so many credit card processing companies to choose from it’s hard to know which one is best suited for your needs. Their fees vary from little to a lot, their services differ and while many are completely legal, others are not. You can get free quotes from FeeFighters.com and CardFellow.com so that you can choose the right one for your business.
CardFellow.comCardFellow.com helps business owners choose the most affordable merchant account service to process their credit card payments and their service is free. They earn a commission from the merchant account service that you select. They use a credit card processing calculator to show you which company is the most affordable. All you have to do is sign up and you will receive quotes to show you your best option. They offer customer support during the time that you are with the company you select and you are allowed to have a month-by-month agreement with them for their service.
FeeFighters.com is a bidding site where merchant account services make bids for your business. You compare the bids and select (more…)