Accepting Credit Cards with an iPhone: Is it Safe?

Credit card reader for iPhoneIf your business requires door-to-door sales, such as lawn care services or pet sitting, you likely spend much of your time driving from place to place. When you need to accept a credit card payment, you are either forced to wait till you are in front of your computer or credit terminal, or you can just choose not to accept cards as a form of payment. Both of these scenarios can cost your business customers and lost sales. By now you’ve likely heard of the credit card app for iPhones, which allow you to process credit card transactions with your cell phone, but you may be wondering how safe they are.

Keeping the Business Owner Safe

A safety feature of iPhone credit card payments, which is also convenient, is that you will know right away if the transaction is approved or declined. This cuts back on any lost sales that could result from customer error or fraudulent credit cards. As well, the transaction processes immediately, and the payment deposited into your merchant account is immediate, which gives you quicker access to your funds. You have the option of protecting the application with a private password, and you can use your merchant account and payment gateway for fraud protection and management.

Safety for the Customer

It is understandable that your customers might have concerns about giving out credit card information to be entered into your phone. You can ease their worries by letting them know that none of their credit information is actually stored on your iPhone. The transaction is similar to what they would typically use when ordering products online. Moreover, the transaction is transmitted directly to a secure payment gateway, just as it is online. The customer will immediately receive an email receipt, which they can then print for their records and verify for accuracy. Furthermore, this is much safer than writing down their credit card information on the sales receipt or giving it out over the phone. Payment gateways and merchant account providers go to great lengths to keep personal information safe and out of the wrong hands. Your customers will appreciate the added convenience of another payment option, and they can rest in the fact that the transaction is secure.

The majority of consumers use credit cards to pay for products and services. In order for small merchants to keep up with that trend, they should have the capability to accept all forms of payment. Adding an iPhone credit card application to your list of acceptable payments not only provides convenience but safety and security too.

Best Merchant Account Credit Card Services in 2025

Rank Service Rating More Info
1 Visit PaymentSphere Payment Processing IIIIi
2 Goto Clarity Merchant Services IIIIi
3 Goto Entrust Merchant Solutions IIII0
4 Visit High Risk Credit Card Services IIIi0
5 Best Credit Card Processors in 2020 III00

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Tags: iPhone credit card app